Best Toddler Bible/ Christian Learning Resources

I like the Jesus storybook bible It is incredibly sweet and ells all the major stories in the bible as they relate back to jesus and God’s plan for man. Short stories in easy to understand words with great pictures

Actually the Nest Entertainment set we have is awesome. We have the workbooks and the VHS, the complete set. My hubby bought them years ago ofcourse but now they have the DVD sets and the workbooks. The workbooks are great for 1st to about 5th grade I would say. The workbooks are easily modified. But the videos that goes with them are for all ages. I love them myself. Try looking for them on ebay or sometimes they have them but no usually. Also I don’t know if anyone has previously mentioned but Veggie Tales have a Sunday School, and A VBS set that you can purchase for around 100.00 that is great as well. I sort of modify and create my own with the Nest Entertainment and so on. I have tons of links for the Bible Curricula I just have to post them on here, but first I have to round them all up.

I don’t know if I have mentioned this site but anyway have great resources for 3-7 year olds and then 7-12 year old. Ofcourse there is a 20 month fee but it is worth it…

also try just the and they have stories in various different languages also. We use these as a ministry tool for back to school block parties.

I found this site via Youtube a while back. The website is set up by a christian homeschooling mum of 7.

I was so impressed I recently contacted her and she agreed to offer some free downloads of their Psalm 23 video as a giveaway in a couple of weeks on my blog. It’s a great way to learn scripture. Makes it really VISUAL which is particularly great for littlies. I’ll keep you posted when I run the competition.
There is also a section where you can upload a clip of your child reciting a verse to be part of an online christian kids bible club. And your children can watch other kids reciting scriptures.
Check it out.!!

A friend linked this to me yesterday

So…TMT…It’s been two months now since you told us about your awesome introduction of the Bible to your child. How are things going in that regard? Does she still like the resources you’ve bought for her? How do you pull your lessons together?

For a toddler, the best thing to do is read. Our favorite is the Beginners Bible for Toddlers. Their website has some activities and such that you can do with your child.
We have the Beginners Bible and my daughters really enjoy it. It reads at about a 2nd grade level.

If your Catholic, then the Catholic Children’s Bible would be a good choice.

Yes, we still primarily use our Read and Share Bible & DVD Set for bible learning because it’s the easiest thing for me. DD loves it & the whole family loves it, we seriously use it all the time. DD prefers the Toddler version of the Bibles for some reason, doesn’t really matter to me though, I let her pick and she asks for “Baby Bible” with the red cover. One of DD’s favorite stories so far is to hear about Abraham and Sarah’s baby Issac, every time we flip to that page she does this funny pretend laugh because they explain that Issac’s name means laughter and his birth made Sarah so happy. I love that the stories are short enough to be accessible that we can read through a couple if she has the attention, or just one. I actually plan to buy the window clings soon, I was thinking about putting them in DD’s Easter Basket.

Speaking of Easter, while we do have the whole Bible/DVD set, I am still eying this to prepare my kids’ little hearts in the weeks prior to Easter.

It comes with a 15 minute DVD or you can purchase the 30 minute Easter DVD separately.

I am so, so pleased with the Read and Share set. I will probably buy every version of it they have eventually! (the Christmas version, the Jesus movie, and so forth.) I am trying to figure out how I can get the puppets without buying the whole preschool curriculum, I am going to contact Tommy Nelson in a month or two and see what they say about purchasing them seperately.

The other thing we have been doing is building up our bible memory routine every night before bed. We started with the Lord’s prayer, line by line and I was shocked how fast she picked it up. Now, she can recite it back to me in it’s entirety with no help and has been able to for about a month! I had planned to teach her in ASL as well but I dropped the ball on that part. So when I go up to tuck her in before bed, first we recite the Lord’s prayer, and then the 10 Commandments. She is doing GREAT with that too, we are up to four or five or so. We are having her memorize a version based on a kids youtube video that we use for reinforcement and it’s soooo easy for her to memorize! We added in some hand motions/ASL and they help a lot too. Some of the memory short cuts require a little explanation but they help so much that I feel they’re worthwhile. ( I think I am going to print off some screen shots for reinforcement to hang up too.

I have a list of Bible memorization that I want her to complete, but off hand as soon as we finish the 10 commandments we’re going to start either The Beatitudes or Psalm 23 next I think. It’s become a really special part of our evening routine sitting in the rocking chair before bed, just Lily and I. I always ask her “What do we do first?” and then “What do we do next?”…she totally thrives on routine. After we do bible memory we sing “Do-Re-Mi” forwards and back, then some intervals forwards and back, and then she or I pick some random songs/nursery songs of her choosing, then prayers and tuck-in. I don’t know if I talked about this in a previous thread because this discussion is a bit old, so I will say it again if I did.

Quite a while ago our pastor preached about Daniel and his prayer life. One of the things he discussed was that Daniel was so faithful and always prayed simple prayers asking for help and giving thanks, but he was always faithful and he prayed on his knees. He mentioned how when you pray while kneeling, there is no mistaking what you are doing, it’s deliberate.

"Another point is that Daniel kneeled when he prayed. Oh, if we have time, kneel. Let us bend our knees in the presence of the supreme majesty of God, and indicate our reverence towards Him. However great the blessings He has given to us, we are still creatures, and failing ones at that. Oh, what a privilege to physically bow our knees, indicating that we recognize the supremacy, the greatness, and the glory of God. "

I began to ponder this. As an adult, I know how to pray in my heart and in my head, but how do you convey that to a two year old? My answer was to always show the same physical “demonstration” of prayer through kneeling. By kneeling, prayer becomes more like a place I can “show her.” I always tell her “fold your hands, bow your head, and close your eyes, and let’s talk to Jesus” And I kneel right behind her. I admit I do not kneel in my own prayer life as I probably should, but I figured it was an effective tool to teach her because it’s something I can show her. I feel like choosing to physically get on our knees to pray before bed has helped solidify the concept. I just wanted to share that with any other parents considering doing the same.

I’m not as big of a fan of the animations on these books/DVDs but I have also been looking at these for the read-A-Long factor and the songs. We don’t really have any kids Christian music and I want to incorporate some, and I love when kids DVDs have words on screen. This set has 100 stories and songs, so I am considering it down the road.

I also have some Cedarmont Kids DVDs on reserve on Netflix I should be getting in the next month or two.

Lastly, I am still hoping to incorporate some more crafts into our Bible time. I have quickly figured out I am far more likely to use pre-made materials and curricula these days because I am just so short on time! the internet is a great resource, but it’s just sooo much easier to flip open a book or workbook. I saw that the local Christian bookstore had an assortment of workbooks with Bible activities and crafts on a recent trip, but I had my kids with me so I couldn’t really dig through at the time. I am going to go back and pick one up next time I am in that part of town. We’ve had such good success with workbooks in other subject areas that it seems like the next logical, easy, and fun step for us with Bible too.

Okay, that was a novel, but clearly I love to talk about Early Learning things so I am glad you asked! :slight_smile:

Tracy, we are not Catholic but I presume that you are. I came across this resource on youtube a long time ago. I figured I would share it with you it looked so cute!

I just wanted to tell you about this distributor. When I stumbled across them today I realized that back 20 odd years ago it was a very, very popular company to order from with my circle of friends. I had previously made up a wishlist of various dvds and cds that took me to about 4 or 5 different sites/companies. Totalling (WITHOUT shipping) $88 USD. By using this site only my total came to $69 - plus the bonus of only paying one shipping bill! Not to mention how well the CDN Dollar is doing as of late :slight_smile:

This is what I’m getting (as per recommendations on this thread):

Bible DVDs

Bible DVDset AND 10 books

Scripture memory

Oops…if any of you are good at math you’ll notice I made an oops. The new total is really $62 :slight_smile: even better!

We have all those except the scripture memorization. I haven’t used them too much yet though. Let me know about how you like the last one. I may need to borrow it from you the next time you come to the city and see if Wesley would like it.

The “Scripture Memory” product reminded me of a Pastor in AZ, who is:

Trying to Memorize the Entire Bible - scripture memory

And his method is very similar to how Muslims memorize the Qur’an, cover to cover (the Medina, KSA printing is 604 pages), as we have done for over 1,400 years. I also remembered another BK Thread about Scripture Memorization that may be useful for you as well:

And please let me know if you want any more details or tips about memorization methods that Muslims use with various techniques.

Happy Memorizing!

  • Ayesha

Wow thats pretty impressive. Thank you for sharing that!

Thanks for the great info and resources.|432805|66013&view_all=1&return=

I just got the E-Flyer for Christian Book Distributors and found this. Thought I’d share :slight_smile: There are some pretty cool toys on this page - great for re-telling Bible stories.

Thanks for sharing their website I just saw so many things I want to get.
I have been reading The Rhyme Bible Storybook to my son.

I would love to hear some of your tips used for memorizing :slight_smile:

I think signing time came out with a bible dvd…if your child likes singing time maybe it will be good for learning scripture and signs… check there website