hello iam arabic .but its hard to find good materaials for arab langauge .but i found kitty rain files on free downloads it really helps me too much but iam not that intersted in teaching arabic words because now adays english is our life .so iam looking for math but in arabic langauge which i couldnt find enough material to start any help???
hi aseen
iam living in arab country so i need to teach my baby arabic but as you said its becoming un important its better to teach english any way i already start with arabic words but for LM iam facing some difficulties:
i asked KL about LM arabic version but its not available now may be next year!!!
in free down loads for arabic math not enough to start and i cant understand the ways and steps on how to teach math (i need a step by step explanation) i find a nice free down load (about sechdual doman method but still not get it right!
i hope that arab people how has LM OR DOMAN HELP YOU MORE
Thanks, Ayesha! I think that you are awesome. I think that Arabic would be way harder to learn (different characters, regional dialects, and etc.)!
I’m taking/was taking (I had my final exam last Wednesday) for fun and to later teach my children. It was what was offered at my local community college, but I would have prefered to take something less commonly taught in American schools like Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic.
I think that I’m going to buy Pimsleur’s Arabic (the short course) to help me get started since my library doesn’t offer it. Maybe I can make a suggestion to my library to start up an Arabic collection! Ironically, my town is very close to Dearborn, Michigan, which I believe, has the largest population of Middle Eastern people in the United States. It was definitely an eye opener when I was doing my nursing preceptorship at a hospital there and had no patients whatsoever who spoke English. Usually, I would see patients in my area with the primary foreign language of Spanish because of all the migrant workers. I can handle the Spanish, but the Arabic is new to me. The good thing is that Spanish has over 4,000 Arabic loan words, interestingly!
I think that the Arabic language is beautiful and worthwhile to learn. I’m glad that the there is so much help and support online to learn other languages!
I’m a native arabic speaker so I don’t have much resources on Arabic for adults unfortunately BUT I do have some fun arabic resources for children
if you’re trying to teach your kids Arabic then definitely start with the files here, the ppt and cat ones as well as all the links in the arabic forum Ayesha mentioned before…I think they’ll keep your hands full ;D