Reading - teaching a 5 year old is frustrating. That is one of the benefits of doing it early. You get to keep your hair color. However, daddude started and that will save you lots of grief. You are not going to make her sound out words and I would start from the beginning. and when she knows the words quickly move on to the next presentation. Easy peasy, no tears. She won’t need to guess. After a couple weeks to a month she’ll be doing great. Unless there is a skill set missing and then we can talk about that later.
Math - there is a thread on teaching toddlers math It has a ton of information. I would also recommend getting the teachers editions of Jump Math, they are free and you can log into their site to get them, but I have all of 1st grade here: You do not need to get the program, but the books teach you how to teach math. If she is not “getting it” one way, it will give you 10 other ways to come at it. The program starts at the VERY beginning. I am using it with toddlers.
The other thing I’ve come across recently is Eclectic Education’s Manual of Methods What I like about it is that it is really Jump Math 150 years ago. It will explain the problems with understanding a child has and how to overcome it. It goes with Ray’s Arithmetic but that doesn’t mean you have to use it with that. Then I would recommend playing lots of games. Games that require counting and keeping score. Games where you can compare more and less. Games that you have to use more than one dice.
Dealing with subtraction: get her to count backwards: Use a 100 number chart and start and 10. Then 15. and what ever number you pick. Then when moving to things like 10 grapes - 5 grapes…she can just count backward 5. Subtraction is just counting backwards she will think it no big deal if she counts backwards A LOT. Also skip counting forward and backward now will help with division later. Solves many issues before they come up. :yes: