about to give up teaching my son to read!!!help

Liz, when my boy was between 12 and 18 months or so, he went through a period where he wasn’t so interested in reading. If the problem is that the kid isn’t motivated to learn in the way you’re trying to teach…then don’t try to teach that way! Try something else!

But between 18 and 24 months, my boy learned his ABCs, started spelling words with refrigerator magnets, and I discovered Titzer and Doman. We first started showing him “Your Baby Can Read” and at the same time my flashcards (http://www.mediafire.com/FleschCards). Within a few months he was already reading whole simple sentences in the simplest books. My point is that my little boy didn’t actually start reading until he was a couple months older than yours is now. So to me, when you say you want to give up, I say, “Give up before one of the prime times to start?”

If the problem is that you personally don’t have time to prepare materials or teach your son, I can relate. I’m very busy (which is why I’ve taken a break from this website for many months) and haven’t been able to do as much for my son’s education as I have done in the past. But remember that there are lots of good learning materials already made out there, ready for you to use. The Titzer videos are great, for instance. If you feel like you have to carefully handcraft cards exactly as Doman specified, well…ya don’t. There’s nothing magical, much less scientifically proven, about Doman’s specific methods. You can feel free to try variations…I did. So did many other people. Look for my powerpoint presentations, for instance, free on this website to download.

I find that when I get to a “stuck” place in life, it helps to re-examine my assumptions and change or give up one of the assumptions. If you were finding you lacked time just because you spent too many hours making Doman-style cards, because you believed what you read about the terrible effects of screen time on young children, maybe it’s time to re-examine your views on the sensible use of screen time. Get YBCR and start using Little Reader or free powerpoint presentations.

But frankly, if you have only a small amount of time for “educational” type activities with your boy, I would say the top priority is reading. It’s more important than flash cards, hands down–my opinion.

Also, if your mother is going to watch the kid, have you asked her to do these activities with him? If not it can’t hurt to ask, and if she resists you can tell her how important it is to her. Show her some YouTube videos of “success stories” and you may motivate her.

hi everybody, i was surprised that so many of you gave respond to my post…and im extremely sorry for unable to reply to you all…i dont have internet connection at home and at office i have to take turn to use the computer(internet)…
as some of u suggested to buy LM and LR-it looks like a good suggestion but the price is Lifetime Plan Value Bundle is $ USD 720.00 right?that is my salary in my country…i dont think i can afford to buy LR n LM.
i regret for not knowing this product when i was pregnant, if not i would have saved some money to buy LR
by now if i start to save i will take me one year i guess…sigh…

im thankful to joha for these words…

and i think i will try to follow Twinergy’s advice on getting books with large font which is the most enjoyable and easiest way to teach kids…
linzy, i son doesn’t like to be disturbed when he’s going for toilet, i tried to show him flash card during that time, but it’s like he cant concentrate on his toilet business u know, i leave these method, same goes when he’s eating or bathing, it;s like he doesn’t wan to be disturbed and like to enjoy the moment i think
Xica, i’ve seen monkiesee’s free labels, will try to to implement
floong, i put my son on the baby court and showed to him the card in a flash…but nowadays he cries when i put him in the baby court…indication of not interested in the cards i think…
momtomany, i did set a very small goal indeed as i know i would not b able to show 3 set per day…but even that 1 set is disappointing with so many obstacles…
JenniferJoy, check your inbox
cp, i was so excited when i saw your post, definitely i will search for the cd in popular, mph or jucso during this weekend, u really enlighten my world by giving me a hint about the cd…will sure to get one…
Autumn, izit okay to give the marker to toddler to scribble on the dry erase board…?i’m scared the smell will make him sick, i myself allergic to the smell of the marker pen…
Tiger LIly, is great to read your post…usually when v go for walking and in the car, i will point out to him see, that’s cow, that’s car, that’s boy and so on…but that happen only one or twice a month…not many time…
i feel so regret for going to work after my son is born actually, but if i quit my husband wont be able to mange everything by himself …that’s for sure…
DadDude, thank u for the link…

thank u everybody for your advice, i will try my best to overcome this stress…it’s no joke being a good mom right…
needs a strong will power…