A typical day with my 8 month-old daughter

I wish I was organized, I just can’t seem to get there. I quit my job just before my dd was born and have been a stay at home mom for 17 months now. I keep thinking it will get easier and then I can get organized, but so far no luck.

My dd doesn’t sleep a lot and she doesn’t have much of a routine, but I say a typical day would go like this:

7am - She wakes up, I try to convince her to go back to sleep by nursing her or cuddling her. That lasts about 45 minutes.
7:45am - Give up, dd is awake, let her play on the floor beside the bed while I convince myself I need to get out of bed.
8am - potty time and I flash words or dots or read books, or all three depending on how long potty time takes.
8:30 - Hopefully potty time is over. Me getting dressed and trying to make the beds, dd following me around throwing books at me and crying.
9am - Breakfast and a few words or dots.
9:30 - Me trying to clean up the kitchen, dd hopefully watching a YBCR video or at least playing by herself, Or me carrying around my dd while trying to clean the kitchen.
10am - reading books and more books and more books to dd.
10:30am - bath time and playtime in the bathrub
11am - Me trying to convince dd to play with toys or look at books herself so I can prepare lunch and maybe do some laundry Or me carrying dd while I struggle to find food in the house.
11:30am - Potty time before lunch. More reading or flashing cards or dots.
Noon - Eat lunch, read YBCR book to her in the high chair. Leave dd in high chair as long as possible to get something done in the kitchen.
12:30 Potty time after lunch before we go out.
1pm - A walk to the store for groceries, or a walk to the park, or just playing outside in the backyard.
2pm - More potty time, and more book reading.
2:30 - Hopefully this day dd decided to nap (oh, please nap). Me trying to prepare materials such as more flash cards or making books or organizing dots into equations. Also, me trying to get some cleaning/organizing done and dinner prepared, and me trying to find time for myself. This is too much for the one hour nap dd barely takes, hence, my lack of organization!
3:30 - dd awake much too soon, potty time and reading.
4:00 - play time.
4:45 - Potty time before dinner, more educational stuff.
5:00 - Dinner.
6:00 - Potty time and reading
6:30 - Me laying exhausted on the floor, dd wanting me to read to her more and more.
7:00pm - Me getting a second wind and reading to dd more, engaging her in toys and some physical activity.
7:30pm - Me doing my 10 minute workout video, dd watching the tv and watching me - she is mesmerized by the process, thankfully.
8:00pm - Potty time and just reading, I stop flashing cards and dots after dinner.
8:30 - dd playing on her own, me trying usually unsuccessfully to clean the kitchen and prepare a snack.
9pm - Snack time.
9:30pm - begin bedtime routine, potty, teethbrushing, pj’s, and stories.
10:30pm - Lay down to nurse dd to sleep, this usually takes about 30-40 minutes.
11pm - dd is asleep, me rushing around trying to shower, keep house clean, prepare materials for the morning and generally wanting to cry from exhaustion.
Midnight - I crawl into bed.
2:30am - dd wakes up crying, nurse her back to sleep.
3am - crawl back into my own bed reminding myself she is only little once.
5:30am - dd wakes up crying, nurse her back to sleep.
6:00am - crawl back into my own bed reminding myself that love matters and it is a good thing to respond to dd needs.
7:00 am - see above, repeat, cry.

On one hand, I am lucky, my dd is AWAKE a lot so I have lots and lots of time to interact and play with her. On the other hand, my dd is AWAKE a lot and I don’t get much sleep (less than 6 hours a day, and only in 2 hour periods).

I love being a stay at home, yet I struggle significantly everyday. I am glad to be there for my dd and interact and stimulate her everyday, yet, there is nothing left for me or the house, let alone a relationship with my partner.

Sorry for the long post, got carried away…

I know exactly how exhausted you feel. My first child is and was very high strung. He refused to nurse so I ended up pumping for him for a little over a year until I was able to get pregnant with my second. Between work, school, pumping, taking care of a needy baby I felt so depressed, inadequate, and tired. I couldn’t imagine doing Doman at that time. My little one was too much work. He would cry for hours each night, and he was still waking a couple of times a night up until about four months ago. He is now two and is still quite the handful. I get depressed about him sometimes because I don’t know how he got to be that way. I’m very easy going, and my child is totally the opposite.

My second little one is completely different. He nursed well from the start, he’s almost happy, and he will loves tummy time. I don’t feel as overwhelmed as I did when I had my first since this child is more independent as is happy doing whatever I’m doing. This has made doing Doman possible while juggling all other responsiblities.

Hang in there. :slight_smile:

Oh Khatty, bless you. Thank you for sharing this.
Karma for you.