4 year losing interested in reading

All wonderful ideas. I did make a book out of some YBCR cards, but it was a photobook and kiind of expensive. I haven’t tried the other kind of book. I’m also not sure I have the tech savy to do my own DVD.

After only a week, my daughter seems back on track. I just backed up in the curriculum and she stopped fighting me. So, we are basically doing review and her confidence has increased. I think she is enjoying the success so I’m going to slow down with her.

Hey guys. I’m not sure what to do with my son. I started a full reading program with him in august and he was all into it. But now he is not focusing and not that into them anymore. But he loves EK bits, learning to tell time and stuff like that. Should I back off to doing the reading more incidental(like he still seems interested In reading flashcards if posted on the fridge or if I randomly point to them in books) and focus more on teaching other things like time, classical music and EK knowledge. And ideas would be helpful.
Thank you

Here’re a couple other ideas to try.
Every night my son chooses a bedtime story for me to read to him. If he wants a second story I tell him sure but I’m kind of tired so you’ll need to help me read the next one, then I read aloud pointing to the words – when I come across a word I know he knows or a word I want him to learn I’ll say ‘your turn’ and he reads. I do this with as many books as he wants.

Another thing I have found works well it to have a conversation with someone when my son is within hearing distance, nearby playing. The purpose of the conversation is to enforce some positive behavior. For example my husband and I will be talking and I’ll say something like 'Something happened today that I really liked." My husband will say 'Oh what was that? Then I talk about whatever the behavior was that I want to praise whether it was good manners, reading or some ohter new ability - After doing this my son generally somes up with the idea ‘all on his own’ to do more of what ever it was that we praised.

Thanks for the ideas :slight_smile: This thread is a year old, and thankfully we have over come this, and my son is now a happy 5 year old who loves to read :slight_smile: But I’m sure the advice you just gave will help someone else who reads this and is in the same situation I was in