16 month old not talking - any ideas to progress speech?

Oh by the way, Baby Anda, have you also heard about research that advises again over exposure to “screen time” which incloudes TV, video, computers and anything that uses a screen really.

It is recommended that children under the age of 2 years should not be exposed to more than a total of half an hour a day as research has shown that over exposure can contribute to effects of speech delay

Hi AaronJ. I’m so sorry for my late response. Thank you for the attachments :smiley:

My daughter has primary language which is English but she often heard us talk in Filipino and she understands it also. For the other 2 languages were just merely an exposure through DVD, audio book and songs.

Regarding over exposure to screen time, I am guilty with that because her total screen time per day is 2 hrs. As I’m a working mom, I just let her nanny knows that she should limit her screen time at 1hr in the morning and 1 hr in the afternoon.

My daughter failed her first hearing test as a newborn (although for some reason she was marked down as passed)…and from then on she would turn her head to the side when I tried to get her watching any flashcard presentation on any screen (computer/TV). She had recurring colds and was said to have glue ear (even diagnosed by a ear/nose/throat guy and put on the waiting list for grommets. Lucky I didnt pay to get them inserted and went on the public hospital waiting list, as another 2 and a half years passed before she was diagnosed with ACTUAL hearing issues and had no glue ear issues left at all. The glue ear problem MASKED the actual hearing problem!! So now at nearly 4.5 years old she has a decided speech deficit. A very strong lisp that isnt clearing up. Hearing aids with her condition mask her GOOD hearing range (the low range) so it’s a damned if you do damned if you dont situation. One thing I do know…hearing aids get lost at kindergarten very easily!